Oral Surgery Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Dental Facts vs Myths Oak Ridge Dental & Surgery

Oral surgery can cause anxiety and fear in many individuals. One of the reasons for this apprehension is due to the myths and misconceptions that surround oral surgery. These unverified myths hinder patients from seeking necessary treatments and can even lead to severe dental issues in the future. In this blog post, we debunk some of the most common Oral Surgery Myths and elucidate on the facts that patients need to know.


Myth 1: Oral Surgery is Always Painful

Some of the most common fears and anxieties people have when it comes to oral surgery are pain and discomfort. Most people believe that oral surgery always involves a lot of pain. However, thanks to modern medicine and technology, procedures like local anesthesia and sedation dentistry can make oral surgery relatively painless.


Myth 2: Recovery from Oral Procedure Takes Unbearably Long

Another common misconception is that the recovery from oral surgery procedures takes an excruciatingly long time. While it is true that some surgeries may require patients to take a few days off work and can be mild to moderately uncomfortable, the healing process often takes less time than people think. Most patients typically return to their daily activities within a week of their surgery.


Myth 3: Oral Procedures can Lead to Other Health Complications

Oral surgery procedures, like any other medical procedure, come with some risks. However, it is rare for oral surgery to lead to serious health complications like heart disease. This myth is unfounded, and patients need to trust in their dental care professionals before consenting to a surgical procedure.


Myth 4: Dental Implants are Painful

Dental implants, a popular permanent dental solution to tooth loss or decay, have gained an undeserved reputation for being painful and uncomfortable. The truth is, dental implants succeeded and vast numbers of people undergo the procedure every year. Modern-day dental implants are safe, quick, and provide long-term relief to patients.


Myth 5: Oral Surgery is Too Expensive

Another widespread myth is that oral surgery procedures are too expensive, which causes people to put their dental health on the line or opt for cheaper, less effective treatments like home kits. Contrary to popular belief, most oral surgery procedures are affordable and covered by insurance policies, especially when it comes to necessary surgeries.


Oral surgery is an important aspect of dental healthcare, particularly when it comes to restoring functionality to teeth and averting potential long-term effects by early treatment of dental issues. As with any medical procedure, it’s natural to have some fears or concerns. However, these myths and misconceptions about oral surgery should not discourage patients from seeking the care they need. It’s time to separate facts from fiction and trust your dental care professional at Oak Ridge Dental & Surgery. Speak to your dentist today if you have any further concerns or questions about oral surgery.